Valley station Acherkogelbahn (cable car)
Your start to the mountain experience in Hochoetz: The gondola takes you comfortably up to 2.020 meters above sea level in Hochoetz. With a large car park and connection to the public transport and ski busses.
Parish church Oetz
The historic parish church of St. George and St. Nicholas is enthroned on a rock above the village. With its slender gothic tower, it charmingly characterizes the townscape.
Village center Oetz
A walk through the old village center of Oetz takes you back in time. Discover historic buildings, ornate facades and the lifestyle of back then.
Bike pumptrack
Our freely accessible pumptrack challenges children and adults equally.
Beach volleyball
Our volleyball court is certified with the highest DVV Beach 1. Thanks to floodlights, the fun continues even after sunset.
Our staff will welcome you at the entrance to the restaurant and will be happy to answer all your questions.
Lust auf eine kleine Challenge zwischendurch? Trampolin, Tischtennistisch und Slackline stehen schon bereit.
Yoga und Fitness
Ob Sonnengruß oder Openair-Workout: Mitten im Garten findest du Raum und Ruhe für dein persönliches Wohlfühl-Programm.
WIDI Abenteuerraum
Egal wie das Wetter ist, hier können sich deine Kinder im sicheren, fröhlichen Ambiente austoben und mit neuen Freunden spielen.