
We will take care of it as soon as possible.

We will take care of it as soon as possible.
You will receive a confirmation email with the data you have sent.
(Except from the callback form)

If you do not receive an instant confirmation mail:

  • Please check your spam filter and put it on the Whiteliste ( - or the domains *, *, *
  • If you have entered your mail address incorrectly (please send us your data again or give us a call)
  • If your mailbox is full and can not accept any mails (please empty your mailbox according to your mailprovider)

Please note our office hours:
Feelfree Office: Mon - Fri 0800 - 1800 hrs
Feelfree Nature Resort Reception: Mon - Sun 0800-2200
Mail requests on the weekend are only processed on Monday!

In urgent cases please call:
Feelfree Nature Resort & Feelfree Camp: Tel: +43 (0) 5252 20248