
Exclusively for our guests in summer - the feelfree Superior Card.

With our Superior Card we offer the whole family day after day and free of charge a diverse activity and entertainment program that is second to none! The included services have a value of € 500.00 per person / week.

Included Feelfree Superior Card services:

  • high-quality rental mountain bikes | for our guests 5€ instead of 32€
  • Top-equipped e-bikes from the in-house bike center -20% sale
  • Free participation in the guided activity program
    • 2 guided hikes or mountain tours
    • 1 guided mountain bike tour | excl. bike rental
    • 1 guided e-bike tour | excluding e-bike rental
    • Archery
  • Up to 18 guided hikes per week with the Ötztal Nature Park | excluding transport costs
  • Free participation in the activities of the Widi Kids Club
    (Mon - Fri, for children from 4 to approx. 10 years)
  • Hiking sticks and rucksack on loan


When young and old forget the world

The Feelfree Nature Resort is the stage for holidays of which children will tell the children of their children. They will exit the room and will find themselves immersed in the green or in the snow. And they will experience the most diversified, sporty and adventurous vacation ever.

Widi Kids Club in Summer

The little ones big

The feeling of finally coming home, although you had just left, makes the family vacation at the Feelfree Nature Resort something special.  

WIDI Kids Club in summer

"Widi-Kids" Especially for children & families. For all children from 4 to 10 years in the family vacation period.

Accompanied by experienced child carers and certified guides, there is a rich program for the children in the period from
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024 - daily from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday Taster horseback riding
In the morning we head to Mareil. Two magnificent Icelandic horses are already waiting fpr us at Almhof. We than take turns riding across the alpine pastures. Of course there is also plenty of time for fun games. In the afternoon, we round off the day at the forest playground, which is all about oxen. All the family is welcome today.
Tuesday Honey adventure
A 3 km walk takes us to Habichen where we meet beekeepers Helmut & Agnes, who will show us a beehive and tell us everything woth knowing about the work of beews in a child-friendly way. At the beehive, the children will also receive a beekeeper's jacket and gloes. An eventful day for the entire family, exploreing the fabolous world of bees.
Wednesday WIDIs survival day
Hey kids! It's me, WIDI! I am really into adventure and nature, so today we will learn how to sneak throug th forest on silent claws and past tricky obstacles that we will overcome togehter. Our compasses will put us back on the right track. Making a fire with flintstone, a giant marble run and a lot more can be tried out today.
Thursday Mud & plash day with Elfi the owl
Listen intently to Elfi, the little owl, and find out how she became the savior of the Starry Forest with a little courage. An easy walk takes us to lake Habicher See. On the way we collect things from the forest and use them to make wonderful works together with Elfi's friend's, the forest animals. On hot summer days with we play in the mud and cool our feet in the cold lake water. Don't forget to bring a towel and a change of clothes!
Friday Baking bread for children in the mill (12.07- 30.08)
Today Max the miller invites us to visit his mill! We walk on foot from Oetz up to lake Piburger See. Once we reach the mill, Max will tell us the magical mill fairytale and then every child can bake their own bread! (An exciting alternative program without bread baking takes place outside the specified period)
  Subject to program changes in bad weather etc.!
You can find more information and the latest news about the Widi children's program
at TVB Ötztal


Widi Kids Club Kinderprogramm im Ötztal in Tirol
Widi Kids Club Kinderprogramm im Ötztal in Tirol
Widi Kids Club Kinderprogramm im Ötztal in Tirol

As a nest partner of the Tyrolean Family Nests our child carers are well-trained for an unforgettable holiday for your children.

Experience the Adventure Eldorado Ötztal
with our in-house outdoor center.

Adventure und Abenteuer mit Übernachtung im 4 Sterne Hotel im Ötztal

In the feelfree Outdoor Center, absolute professionals await you every morning to take you with you, to lead you into dark gorges, thundering waterfalls, lonely caves or to accompany you on the most fun wave sections on the rafting boat. Rafting, canyoning, biking, caving and climbing are just a few options from an incredibly rich repertoire.


Everyone from 10 years of age (or rafting professional from 14 years - children's rafting from 5 years) can find a safe place in the rafts. Families and calmer natures choose leisurely routes. Adventurer with a weakness for courage and overcoming, the wild wave ride. And everyone will see the shores of the river hosed and happy in battle with the elements.

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Canyoning ist die ultimative Begegnung mit der Natur. Und mit dir selbst. Millionen Jahre alte Felsformationen, smaragdgrüne Wasserpools, pure Wildnis, dunkle Schluchten, tosende Wasserfälle und steile Wände in wärmenden Strahlen der Sonne. Schwimmen, rutschen, springen, abseilen, laufen... schauen und staunen. In bestes Neopren gehüllt und doppelt gesichert bewegst du dich zwischen der Zeit. Diese spielt auch keine Rolle mehr für den, der aus zwölf Metern in schäumendes Gletscherwasser springt um danach unter dem donnernden Wasserfall eine entspannende Dusche zu genießen.

Wähle zwischen der gemütlich Familien und Kennenlern-Tour oder den unterschiedlichen Touren für Fortgeschrittene.

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Zahlreiche Klettersteige im Ötztal und in der näheren Umgebung bieten sich in Begleitung erfahrener Kletterguides als idealer Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt des Kletterns an.

Caving – Stollenwanderung

Warst du schon mal im inneren eines Berges? Im historischen Stollen, der einmal ein Wasserkraftwerk hätte werden sollen, kannst du dieses Abenteuer mit uns erleben. Du entdeckst Überreste alter Bauwerke und vielleicht auch die eine oder andere Fledermaus. Das Highlight ist der Abstieg im 350 Meter langen und sehr steilen Druckstollen. Ausgestattet mit bester Ausrüstung und vor allem Stirnlampe um die absolute Finsternis zu erhellen.

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